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Enrolment Procedures

Registration of Infant Beginners

Parents/carers of those children due to commence attendance at school in August 2024 can visit the Glasgow City Council website for full details of how and when to enroll their child. 

To register you should now complete an enrolment application

To complete this form you will need

  • A digital copy of the child's birth certificate (The requirement to upload a birth certificate only applies to children who did not attend a nursery or pre-school operated by Glasgow City Council)
  • Your child's Doctor's details
  • The name of the local school/centre you wish to register the child. If you are unfamiliar with schools within your catchment area, please use our School catchment lookup before completing the form.

It is usual practice for children to attend their local catchment primary school.

Check the local catchment primary school and Gaelic medium school for your address.

Parents/Carers will have the opportunity to visit their local catchment school and should check the day(s), time(s) for visits with the school concerned.

Please visit Glasgow City Council's website for full details about enrollment procedures.